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The products created by Grassland Farm & Garden enhance soil conditions, improve leaf health and optimize plant nutrient absorption and utilization.


Salient is the proprietary foundation blend of compounding polymers. It allows plants to utilize nutrients efficiently and effectively, can be applied exclusively or as an additive to many other plant nutrition products to optimize their erformance. Salient has the ability to blend and bind in a manner uncommon to most formulators. This proprietary product is one of our most sought after products by growers and crop consultants.


The Medallion line contains the same polymer blends as Salient, but also includes minerals which enhance nutrient uptake and absorption while increasing cellular motility. Polymers play various roles in agriculture, from improving crop yield and soil health to reducing environmental impact. They are used in a range of applications and can have a significant positive impact on agricultural practices. Here are some ways polymers are used in agriculture: Soil Conditioners: Soil conditioners are polymer-based substances that enhance soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. These polymers can help improve soil quality, making it more suitable for plant growth. They are often used in arid and sandy soils to increase water-holding capacity. Irrigation Management: Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) are used in agriculture to improve water management. These polymers can absorb and retain large amounts of water and release it slowly to the soil. They are particularly useful in drought-prone areas to ensure that crops receive a steady water supply. Slow-Release Fertilizers: Polymers can be used to create slow-release fertilizer formulations. These polymers gradually release nutrients over time, reducing the risk of nutrient leaching and ensuring that plants have a steady supply of essential elements. Pesticide Delivery: Encapsulation of pesticides in polymer-based carriers can improve the controlled release of pesticides, reduce environmental impact, and enhance their effectiveness. Plant GrowthRegulators: Some polymers are used as plant growth regulators. They can influence plant development, flowering, and fruiting, which can be important in crop management. Medallion Line Product Names: FMg: - Promotes root growth - Increases photosyntrhesis - Enhances carbohydrate storage - In crease synthesis of chlorophyl - Optimum Nutrient translocation XLT: - Stimulates root growth - Reduction of ambient stress - Increases carbohydrate strengthening - Promotes root growth ZN6%: - Promotes plant metabolism - Enhances photosynthesisi - Promotes root growth - Promotes plant growth, development and yield - Traditional application for crop defenciencies ZMn: - Promotes plant growth, development and yield - Important in seed development - Promotes root growth - Regulates plant metabolisim - Promotes photosynthesis PK: - Stimulates plant growth - Reduction of ambient stress - Increases carbohydrate levels - Photosynthesis regulation - Has a great impact on crop quality and plant health


Biohumics, also known as biohumus or biologically active humic substances, are organic materials formed through the decomposition of organic matter by soil microorganisms and earthworms. Biohumics play a crucial role in soil health and agricultural systems. They are a subset of humic substances, which are complex organic compounds found in soil and other natural environments. Biohumics are naturally occurring in soils, but they can also be added as soil amendments to enhance soil properties. Their incorporation into agricultural practices can contribute to sustainable and productive farming systems by improving soil fertility, nutrient management, and plant health. Here are some key aspects of biohumics in agriculture: 1. Role in Soil Structure: Biohumics contribute to soil structure by improving soil aggregation and porosity. This enhances aeration and water infiltration, which is beneficial for root growth and overall soil health. 2. Nutrient Retention: Biohumics have a high cation exchange capacity (CEC), meaning they can hold and exchange essential plant nutrients like potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). This helps prevent nutrient leaching and makes nutrients available to plants over time. 3. Nutrient Delivery: Biohumics can enhance nutrient delivery to plant roots. They can form complexes with nutrients, making them more readily available to plants. This can be particularly valuable in soils with low nutrient availability. 4. pH Buffering: Biohumics can buffer soil pH, helping to maintain a stable and suitable pH range for plant growth. They can counteract the effects of soil acidification. 5. Microbial Activity: Biohumics provide an ideal habitat for beneficial soil microorganisms, including mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These microorganisms can improve nutrient uptake and enhance plant growth. 6. Water-Holding Capacity: Biohumics can increase a soil's water-holding capacity, making it more resilient to drought conditions. They can retain moisture and make it available to plants over time. 7. Carbon Sequestration: Biohumics contain a significant amount of carbon. Their presence in soils contributes to carbon sequestration, which is important for mitigating climate change by storing carbon in the soil. 8. Organic Matter: Biohumics are a form of stable organic matter in the soil. They help build and maintain soil organic carbon, which is essential for soil fertility and overall soil health. 9. Enhanced Plant Growth: The presence of biohumics in the soil can lead to improved plant growth, increased crop yields, and better crop quality. This is due to their role in nutrient availability, water retention, and the promotion of beneficial soil microorganisms. 10. Stress Tolerance: Biohumics can help plants cope with environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, and temperature extremes. They improve the soil's resilience to adverse conditions.

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